Sunday, December 15, 2013

Borderlands 2 - Where to Find Rocket Launcher Ammo

My favorite end-of-the-world game is Borderlands 2 for Xbox. The first Borderlands was awesome and this second version has exceeded my expectations. I have decided to post my frequently asked questions here when I can't find answers.
My most frustrating task so far has been finding Rocket Launcher Ammo. I can't tell you how many hours I have spent playing with my friend via System Link but it's a bunch. I have visited the various maps multiple times, carrying a useless Rocket Launcher due to it being empty.  After revisiting Sanctuary, I discovered that the secret spot was the shop keeper or merchant behind the desk with the bars across his window. He looks like a teller at a check cashing kiosk in the bad part of town. I was also able to find some in the vending machines at Bloodshot Stronghold.

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